For those that aren't familiar with Jaspects, they are 6 brothers of Morehouse College that are "redefining all aspects of Jazz"! This latest piece of work "The Polkadotted Stripe", their 4th studio album has to be my favorite! Down to the artwork/packaging, the whole correlation with the music is ill!! This album is a perfect rendition of what's going on in music now w/a jazz twist. It would be hard to try & describe the coldness of this album with only 26 letters of the alphabet so I will leave it to you to click the pic above to visit their MySpace & check out the vid below which is "Unifunk" (one of the tracks off the album; also featured on Deuce's Favorites Vol.64). Keyboardist T.Brown & bassist Jon Sowells can be heard on numerous WrighTrax productions. And with any cold band, their drummer is from Detroit lol, "what up doe Henry"?! I assume the album should be available online shortly until then hit someone you know in the A to cop you one!
The Polkadotted Stripe is fire, I been stuck since I heard it!